- Plain Whole Milk
- Green Matcha
- Raspberry Rosewater
We also carry Elderflower and 2% Plain.
What is Skyr?
Skyr means thickened milk in old Icelandic. Born out of the long cold winters faced by the Vikings more than 1,000 years ago, skyr has always been quite simple.
How is it made?
Raw milk is picked up each day from their 19 organic family farms. They skim the milk and ferment it slowly at low heat with a special blend of live and active cultures. When it starts curdling, it is gently strained until it’s rich, smooth and full of protein. Nothing else. It’s undiluted quality, clean and simple.
Where is it made?
As a food manufacturer, the people of Norr Skyr take great pride in their milk and where it comes from. The farms are all located in the Northwestern part of the Catskills – more specifically between Otsego and Chenango Counties, in a radius of 10 miles from the city of New South Berlin. The farms comprise of a mix between Amish and non-Amish organic farms, most of them being quite small, with an average herd size of ~20-25 heads. The herds are mostly mix breed0–predominantly Jersey, Holstein, Guernsey.
In terms of the cows’ diet, the vast majority is grass and hay. Looking at the landscape, you’d appreciate that the relatively low productivity of the soil makes it mostly grazing and forest land. Grazing season is from May until early November depending on the weather during the particular year. There is year round access to outdoors, but during the coldest days the cows prefer the indoors. In winter it is mostly hay but all the farms do feed some organic grain to supplement the diet. How much grain is fed depends on the farm in question, most are at a 3-5 lbs per day level.
The nature of the farms, with small plots of land that are managed in symbiosis with the farm animals as a nearly closed system (quite similar to biodynamic farming, which is much more common in my home country of Denmark). One of the advantages of these smaller farms in my opinion, is how much cleaner the farmers are able to maintain the environment of their cows. When entering the barns they smell of hay, not of manure. Having been to many 100+ farms I know that is not always the case.