Happy Fair Trade Month

Event Details

Event Date

Event Date: Saturday, October 14, 2017

Event Time

Event Time: 11:00 AM - to 5:00 PM

Event Description

Fair Trade is more than just food with a label. It’s a way to make a positive difference in the world through the products you buy! We are celebrating Harvest Market’s commitment to the Fair Trade movement with samples of Fair Trade items like chocolate, coffee, tea, sugar, personal care items, produce and more. Enter to win a Fair Trade Gift Basket, full of the Fair Trade items you love to love, and learn about the work that goes into Fair Trade certification.

As a special treat, Laura from the Tin Lizzy Mobile Boutique will be with us in the parking lot, selling her certified Fair Trade clothing, accessories, jewelry, and cards from her truck, and sampling a Fair Trade treat of her own for our customers!

Tin Lizzy 2017

Location Details

Harvest Market

Address for Harvest Market

7417 Lancaster Pike
Hockessin, DE 19707