CSA Day Logo

Event Details

Event Date

Event Date: Friday, February 24, 2017

Event Time

Event Time: 2:30 PM - to 5:30 PM

Event Description

CSA stands for “community supported agriculture,” which is a direct-to-customer business model for farmers. In the traditional CSA model, people pay for a season’s worth of produce (a membership), sometimes months in advance. The CSA member then receives a box of fruits and vegetables every week throughout the harvesting season. This is great for the farmers because they get the revenue when they most need it to get ready for the growing season.

In 2015, Small Farm Central released the 2014 CSA Farming Annual Report, which gathered data from more than 250 CSA farmers and almost 53,000 memberships. Among other interesting facts, the report showed that the most popular day for CSA Signups in 2014 was Friday, February 28. So in 2015, the first National CSA Signup Day was held on Saturday, February 28. CSA farmers offered special CSA Signup Day discounts and promotions and enjoyed an influx of signups from members wanting to support local agriculture.

NorthStarFruitShareFallThis year, CSA Day is about more than getting lots of CSA signups; it’s a whole day dedicated to the celebration of community-supported agriculture. We are delighted to be hosting the fine folks at North Star Orchard during our CSA Day festivities, in addition to providing general information and sign-up instructions about all of the CSA’s available for pick up at Harvest Market. For more, read about How to Join a CSA at Harvest Market.

Location Details

Harvest Market

Address for Harvest Market

7417 Lancaster Pike
Hockessin, DE 19707